Introduction to the Craft
of Turning

A two day course covering the basic skills, safety, tools and techniques that will enable you
to turn your own works of art.
By the end of 2 days, you’ll have an understanding of the best techniques and how to use the
machines safely. Plus, you’ll have turned your first bowl and spindle - and platter too if there’s time!
If you’ve already completed the ‘Woodturning Experience’ class, it’s possible to condense this course into one day (depending on your skills and confidence).
Class overview
Beginner | Two days | Turn a spindle & bowl or platter
Day 1 starts with a quick overview: what you’ll be working on, safe working practice, PPE
I’ll show you the workshop, and explain how to use the tools and equipment: the lathe, extractor, tools, and tools maintenance.
Some of the things we will cover:
How to mount your work to the lathe
How to use the tools correctly
Roughing down the wood
Planning cuts in the wood
How to make V cuts
How to make parting cuts
Sanding to make it extra smooth
Finishing with wood wax
Depending on progress, we may start the bowl in the afternoon.
Finishing up
Tidy up and summarise what you’ve learnt during the day
Take home your new spindle and get ready for tomorrow
On day 2,
we will go over basic design before moving to the lathes.
We will cover:
How to mount your work to the lathe
A reminder of how to use the tools safely
Roughing down the wood
Shaping the outside
Turning the inside
Sanding to make it smooth
Finishing with wood wax or something similar
If we have time we will go on to design and make a platter too.
Finishing up
Tidy up and summarise what you’ve learnt during the day
Take home your bowl (& platter)
Ready to book your class?
Fill in the form on my contact page and we can arrange a date or discuss any questions you might have.